If you submit applications on behalf of multiple organizations or people, we’re glad you’re here, reading this article.
Applicant accounts are tied to a single organization or person.
Each applicant account that is created is associated with one email address and one organization or individual. The application contact and organization information found in your Account Profile as well as in the first tab of any application that you create in that account, is tied to the account. Changing the contact or organization information in any application in your account, will result in the same update being made to all applications in that account. This makes it easy for the majority of our users who only represent one organization to ensure that all of their applications always contain the latest version of their contact information.
Each organization or person needs their own account.
Because each account is tied to one organization or person, individual accounts must be created, using separate email addresses, for each organization or person. If you’re a grantwriter, you can get the email addresses from your clients and set up their accounts for them. If you’re submitting on behalf of different organizations, you may need to set up several email accounts or email aliases so that each ZoomGrants account has its own unique email address.
Other folks who need access to the applications can be added as collaborators.
Once the accounts are set up, you (or the account owner) can start the application(s) in the accounts. In each application, collaborators can be added to contribute to the application via their own account.
Collaborator access will give the collaborative user(s) the ability to work on the fields in the application (except the Applicant and Organization Information fields in the first tab of the application – those are editable only in the applicant account) and upload documents.
The final submission of the application takes place in the applicant account, so be sure that they (or you) have access to the original account in order to submit the application. Later, if the application is approved, collaborator access can be updated in the applicant account to give you access to sign the contract or submit invoices or post-funding reports within that application.