ZoomGrants: An Overview The ZoomGrants system provides an easy way for organizations to receive and manage applications online. In ZoomGrants, there are several...
Setting Up Your Applicant Account and Creating Applications To submit an application through ZoomGrants, you must first create a ZoomGrants Applicant account. Follow the steps below to set...
Application Owners, Collaborators, and Additional Contacts On the applicant side of ZoomGrants, there are two sets of users who can be associated with an application: One Application...
Auto-Save Feature The ZoomGrants auto-save feature is a user favorite. Learn more about it below. How does ZoomGrants save my work? As...
Check for Completion Feature Before an applicant submits an application, ZoomGrants will check to make sure that they have answered the displayed questions and provided the required...
Applicants: Completing the Application As a cloud-based system, ZoomGrants makes it easy for applicants to work on and submit their applications. ZG takes the program...
I am a grantwriter or represent multiple organizations or people. How can I use ZoomGrants? If you submit applications on behalf of multiple organizations or people, we’re glad you’re here, reading this article. Applicant accounts...
Formatting Application Question Responses ZoomGrants prioritizes the consistent readability of text responses on the review side (where the program administrators and application reviewers read...
Tech Tips for Applicants Submitting Applications Technical Requirements To use ZoomGrants to submit applications, you’ll need a computer, internet access, and a valid email address. Don’t...
Uploading additional information to a ‘Submitted’ application 1. Log into ZoomGrants 2. Click the show/hide link under the ‘Submitted’ category to expand your list of submitted applications....
Application Status ZoomGrants allows applicants to quickly check their submitted applications’ status without having to continually log back into their account. Application...