
Reviewer access to programs and the applications within them is customizable for each program and can be as open or restricted as necessary. Admins decide who has access to what and when.

How It Works

Program Setup > Committee Tab
During the review process, committee members (referred to here as “reviewers”) can use the Review Tools to score the application, keep private notes, engage in group discussion, cast votes, and more.
Each program has a custom committee that features select reviewers and administrators, as well as a curated set of review tools. For those reviewers who are assigned to the program, administrators can further select individual or group-based review assignments, hide specific applications from select reviewers, or even implement a blind review.
Reviewers and administrators not given access to a program cannot view that program or the applications within it.

How to Set It Up

Are you ready to set this up?

If you haven’t already set up your scoring criteria and reviewer accounts, you may want to take care of that first.

Program Setup > Committee Tab

From Program Setup, navigate to the Committee tab to begin your setup.

Choose your review settings.

Allows reviewers and admins to keep their own private notes on each application. These are not visible to other users or to the applicants.
Allows the committee to maintain a discussion thread on each application.

NOTE: For the sake of conversational integrity, comments, once added to the discussion, are not removable. Please instruct your reviewers and admins accordingly.
Blind Review
Hides applicant contact info and application titles from your reviewers.
Allows reviewers to vote on each application to which they are assigned.
Recommended Amounts
Allows reviewers to enter a recommended funding amount on applications.

Assigned Review

Allows admins to assign applications to be reviewed by individual reviewers or committee groups. Assigned Review options include:

No Assignments – All reviewers can access, read, and review all applications.

Only reviewers with access to the program will have access to the applications.

Be sure that you give your reviewers access to the program in order to allow them to access the applications in that program. Read more in the Give your committee access section, below.

Individually – Applications are individually assigned to each reviewer who has been given access to the program.

  • Check the boxes next to the reviewers to whom you would like to assign the applications in that program.
  • Click Assign Applications.
  • In that window that opens, put checks in the boxes to assign applications to each reviewer.Individual Reviewer Assignments

By Committee Groups – Reviewers are assigned to committee groups and then applications are each assigned to a committee.

  • Name your committees.Committee Assignments
  • Reload the page.
  • Put checks in the box(es) to add your reviewers to the committees (as shown in the screenshot).
  • Click Assign Applications.
  • In that window that opens, use the dropdowns to assign each application to a committee.

    Reviewers can be assigned to multiple committees. Each application can be assigned to one committee.

Review Assigned Applications Only

Restricts reviewers in an assigned review from accessing the applications to which they have not been assigned.

If set to ‘No’, reviewers can read all of the applications but they only have access to the Review Tools to truly review the applications to which they have been expressly assigned.

Track Committee Conflicts

Present a conflict of interest statement in each application to be reviewed. Reviewers can indicate whether or not they have a conflict of interest on each application.

Reviewers with conflicts can still review those applications.

This feature tracks conflicts. To allow user flexibility, nothing special automatically happens if a reviewer indicates that they have a conflict. It is up to you or the reviewer to manage the next steps, whether that means that they need to recuse themselves, you remove their assignment to that application, or you simply make a note of their conflict.

Reviewers make their selection, explain their conflict (if they have one), enter their initials, then click a Certify button. We’ll stamp the conflict statement, their certification, initials, the date and time, their email address, and their IP address. You can pull up all reviewer conflict statements in a special report (see Viewing the Conflict Report, below).

Committee Conflict Statement

Reviewer Conflict StatementThis is the text that is presented as the conflict statement to each reviewer on each application. When crafting this statement, keep in mind that reviewers will have two options in response:

  • I certify this statement is true; or
  • I have a conflict

Your statement should be written in a way that makes those valid choices for your reviewers.

Give your committee access.

Assign reviewers to your committee.

In the Committee Members section at the bottom of the Committee tab, choose which reviewers you’d like to give access to this program.

You can make any reviewer with access a Committee Chair, which gives them additional capabilities. Read more about those particular capabilities on the setup page, below the list of reviewers.

Need to add a reviewer?

Set up an account for them in the Manage Users tab, then come back and assign them to the program in Program Setup.

Assign non-senior admins to this program.

Program Setup > Settings Tab > Administrative Users

To assign non-senior admins to your program, navigate to the Settings tab.

How to Use It

Tracking Reviewer Progress

Individual Applications

Click into the Review Tools on an application and scroll down to the Committee section near the bottom of the page to view the list of reviewers who have access to that application. There, you’ll see a general overview of how each reviewer is doing, including:Delete Review Button

  • A progress bar showing their movement through the scoring questions (if applicable)
  • Their vote on the application (if you’ve turned that feature on)
  • Their conflict statement

All Applications

If you’re using the Scoring feature, The Scoring Report provides a great overview of how your reviewers are moving through the applications. Check out the different report types to see which applications reviewers have scored and how far they’ve gotten.

Removing a Reviewer from an Application

If necessary, reviewers can be removed from individual applications (perhaps because they have a conflict of interest).

In an application, click the Review Tools button. Scroll to the Committee section near the bottom of the page, and uncheck the box next to the left of the reviewer that should be un-assigned.

Deleting a Review

  1. In an application, click the Review Tools button.
  2. Scroll to the Committee section near the bottom of the page.
  3. Click the Delete Review button next to a reviewer to remove their review from the system.

    This is a permanent action and will remove their review.

    Delete Review Button

Viewing Reviewer Conflicts

Click into the Review Tools then scroll down to the Committee section near the bottom of the page. There, you can see the conflict

Exporting a Committee Conflict Report

Your Program > Data Tab > Standard Reports & Exports

  • Data Tab

Navigate to the Data tab and click on the Conflict Report in the Standard Reports & Exports section on the right side of the page to pull up the conflict report for that program.

The report shows each application and each reviewer’s selection in the conflict statement, including whether or not they have a conflict, their signature, and their comment (as applicable).

Click the Export to Excel button to send that data to a spreadsheet file for your records.