
In Program Setup, the Settings tab houses the general settings for a program, including overall settings, program module on/off toggles, applicant settings, and publishing settings.

Program Setup > Settings Tab

Availability Settings

  • Deadline – Your program will ‘Close’ and stop accepting applications at midnight (Pacific) at the end of this day.
  • Open to Apply Date – Your program will ‘Open’ and start accepting applications at midnight (Pacific) at the beginning of this day.
  • Availability Status – Determines whether a program is open or closed, based on the open and deadline dates.
    Waiting to Open
    This is the default setting. When you are finished setting up your program and you are ready for it go live when your open date arrives, change this to "Open."
    On this setting, your program will go live when the open date arrives and will close automatically when the deadline passes. By changing the Availability Status to "Open", you indicate that you have reviewed all of your settings and content and that the setup is exactly as you want it to be.
    On this setting, your program will close immediately. If your program has not yet opened, choosing "Closed" will prevent it from opening. This setting can also be used to manually close a program at a specific time.
  • Friendly URL

Overall Settings

  • Program Type
    Accept applications from organizations and request organization information by default.
    Accept applications from individuals and do not request organization information.
  • Program Title
  • Amount Available – Indicate the funding available in this program (internally viewable only – applicants cannot see this)
  • Application Submission Confirmation – Add custom text to the body of the Application Submission Confirmation email sent to applicants. Merge Fields (Optional): Customize each email by copying merge field values into your message.
  • Program Contact Person
  • Fiscal Year
  • Currency – Denote the type of currency associated with you program ($/USD is the default).
  • Copy a Program
  • Program Information Tabs (Description, Requirements, & Restrictions) – Provide information housed in omnipresent tabs at the top of the application so that applicants can reference them at any time. Auto-expand: If you’d like your applicants to automatically see the information housed in the omnipresent tabs, choose ‘Yes’ in this setting.

    In addition to what you input here, you can also add account-level General Requirements that will appear in the Requirements program information tab in every program in your account.

  • Library Resources – Provide quick applicant access to documents, links, and files for reference
  • Your Disclaimer – Add your own text to be displayed alongside the ZG disclaimer when applicants submit their applications.  When the application is submitted, the applicant enters their initials to indicate their agreement with the disclaimer(s).
  • Online Meeting Links – Connect to the online meeting platform of your choice

    ZoomGrants has no direct integration with such platforms, and cannot provide technical support regarding the functionality of those programs.

Additional Program Modules

Decide which modules to use in your application. To use a module, choose “On”, and that tab will appear.

Once a module has been turned on,  complete the rest of the setup by clicking into the new tab that appears in the Application or Review/Reporting rows near the top of the Program Setup page.

Program Setup Tabs

General Applicant Settings

  • Automatically Expand Tab Instructions – If you’d like your applicants to automatically see the instructions at the top of every tab, choose ‘Yes’ in this setting.
  • Multiple Applications Allowed
    By default, applicants can create and submit an unlimited number of applications within a program.
    Limit the number of applications for that program that can be created in each applicant account.
  • Automatically Lock Submitted Applications
  • Hide Activity Log – If your organization intends to use the Activity Log to track internal activities, you might consider hiding the Log from applicants.
    Standard Hidden Fields Never Shown to Applicants

    Regardless of the visibility of the Activity Log, applicants can never see any Private Notes, Scores, Votes, or Trial Decisions, and can only see the Official Decision when you decide to ‘notify’ them.

  • Character Limit –  Sets the limit for all new paragraph questions created. This does not change the character limit on existing paragraph questions, and you can still set each paragraph question to have a unique character limit.
  • Extra Tab Label – Administrators and committee chairs can pose follow-up or ‘extra’ questions on specific applications using the Extra tab

Publishing/Sharing Settings

If you choose not to use the Friendly URL, find the link or HTML code for your program in this section. Learn more about how to publish and provide access to your programs, here.

Read Only Settings

Link to Read-Only Page
To provide read-only access to all submitted applications share or post the link provided. Only the submitted application content will be visible – Notes, Scores, Votes, and Trial Decisions cannot be seen – and the Official Decision will only be displayed if the applicant has been "notified". People do not need to have an account or be logged in to view the applications via this link.
Access Key
Copy and send this to another admin who wants to use your program as a template for theirs. They will enter this key when they click the button to copy a program into their new program. To control access, you can change the Access Key anytime you want. Everyone with the old key will no longer have access.

Administrative Users

Select administrators to give them access to this program. Only senior admins and admins that are given access will have access to the program.


Simple Department Label
Use this field if you want to categorize programs under a specific Department Label. By utilizing the Simple Department Label you are not truly segregating your organization by departments.
Use this field if you want to associate your program with a specific department. To add Departments, use the Manage Departments section of the Account Details Tab in the Account Settings Page.

Custom Status