Create/Copy a Program Whether you’re building an entirely new program or using an existing one as a template, you’ll start by creating a new...
Scoring The Scoring feature allows committee members (reviewers and administrators assigned to the program) to score each application based on criteria...
Committee Reviewer access to programs and the applications within them is customizable for each program and can be as open or...
Internal Research Each application has its own set of Internal Research fields to use in your internal process of managing applications. How...
Testing the Committee Experience Once you’ve set up the application and tested the Applicant Experience by submitting an application, it’s a good idea to...
Contract A unique contract can be set up on each approved application. The contract is generated using a basic template that...
Financial When the Financial feature is turned ‘on’, applicants can create and submit invoices as soon as their applications are marked...
Post-Decision Reporting The Reporting feature allows applicants with approved applications to submit up to 36 post-decision reports. How It Works Reports can...
Summary Tab Settings Program Setup > Summary Tab Grant Settings Summary Tab Label – This is the label on first tab in the...
Pre-Application The Pre-Application feature is a handy tool if you want to manually pre-screen applicants to allow only those who meet...
Application Questions Administrators have full control over program content and settings in their ZoomGrants program. You decide how to pose the necessary...
Budget The Budget tab features two pre-built, basic tables and a narrative field to capture simple budget data from applicants. Admins can...
Tables The Tables tab was built to accommodate more complex data collection. How It Works We’ve created a ‘lite’ version of...
Documents Admins can ask applicants to upload or link an unlimited number of files to their applications via document requests. How...
Publishing a Program Are you ready to publish your program? Take this quick quiz. If you can answer “yes” to all of these...
Testing the Applicant Experience Once you’ve set up the application, it’s a good idea to go through the process as an applicant to get...
Tab Labels Customizable tab labels allow Administrators to rename tabs and features to match the vernacular used by their organization. How It...
Section Titles In the Pre-Application, Application Questions, and Report tabs as well as the Scoring section of the Review Tools, you can...
Branching Question Branching questions are used to present a different set of answers based on the applicant’s selection in the branching question....
Adding & Editing Questions By adding questions to the Pre-Application, Application Questions, and Report tabs, administrators customize the program to gather whatever data they...
Custom Status The Custom Status feature allows administrators to group applications together into predetermined categories. How It Works For each program, admins...
ZoomGrants: An Overview The ZoomGrants system provides an easy way for organizations to receive and manage applications online. In ZoomGrants, there are several...
Check for Completion Feature Before an applicant submits an application, ZoomGrants will check to make sure that they have answered the displayed questions and provided the required...
Applicant View The Applicant View provides an easy way for administrators to see how their program appears to their applicants. While it...
Customizing Submit Confirmation Text Before the program goes live, you can add your own text to be displayed in the body of the Pre-Application...
Settings In Program Setup, the Settings tab houses the general settings for a program, including overall settings, program module on/off toggles,...
Friendly URL’s In addition to using the ZoomGrants-generated links to provide applicants with access to programs, admins can also create “friendly URLs”...
Funding Sources How It Works The Funding Source features allows ZoomGrants Administrators to allocate and track funding from specific sources to programs...